Your guide to

For years now I have been entertained by the Brothers Chaps with their hilarious cartoon flash characters found at I remember one year for my birthday after deciding that it was my birthday and therefore was entitled to do whatever I pleased. I chose to watch 6 hours of Strong Bad e-mail. On most Mondays they update their site with some new ditty that makes me laugh. I get gitty on Sunday night when I think that there may be something new. So I am dedicating this post to promote a site that has brought me so much good clean fun and entertainment for the past years.
The thing about is that your first sitting isn't very rewarding. It is like coming into the middle of the movie where you don't know any of the characters. A lot of the homestar jokes are based on things that have happened before and also they are based on the personalities of the characters. There are certian steps you should take to really get into homestarrunner. Be aware though that if you do these steps you will have to spend some time every monday to watch some homestar and you may end up buying some merchandise.
First I would watch the "First time here video." firsttime.html
Then I would go to the characters page and meet all of the characters. characters2.html
Then I would start on the strong bad e-mails.
The e-mails are pretty short and to the point at first but then they get better and better. So watch at least 5 before you make any judgements.
Here are some of my favorites.
The Bird
There are so many that it was hard to choose which ones to put on here.
Then I would check out all of the toons and shorts.
There are a lot of them but I am going to post a few of them.
Bug In Mouth
Looking at the thing in the bag
After doing this you will scratch the surface of understanding what homestarrunner is all about. You know it is good when people start putting up sites about homestarrunner. Like where you can find al kinds of information about homestarrunner and the gang.
Enjoy the site and I will see you in the homestarmy.